I think I just peed my pants!
So I get home from work, down half a bottle of Campari (It was all we had - it was a tough day!) and go and sit next to Dalekins on the couch.
Me: "Haaai"
*looks at Dalekins*
*Dalekins pulling a very strange face*
Me: "Are you having a stroke?! Please don't be having a stroke, Im tirrrrrrrrred!"
Dalekins: "Keke no... who am I?"
*looks at Dalekins like he's retarded*
Me: "You look like a cat that just smelled something bad"
*Dalekins rolls eyes but then goes straight back to weird face*
Dalekins: "No tsk! Who do I look like...?"
Me: " You look like Ozzy Osbourne's arse, I don't know for fuck sakessssssss... sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss"
Dalekins: "You hate me!"
*goes back to pulling weird face*
Dalekins: "Concentrattttttte, it's so easy"
Me: "Oh for the love of all that's Holy!!"
*squints eyes*
Me: " The Elephant Man?"
*Dalekins blinks*
(30 minutes later....)
Me: "Just tell meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee"
*annoyed but starting to think it's funny now because Dalekins face is starting to cramp up*
Dalekins: "Fine but you're going to be angry with yourself because it was so obvioussssssssssssssssssssss!"
The face?
Me: "Have you been in the jik again?"