Ok so the cooties have well and truly struck and sucked all the life out of me! I feel as if there's a little gremlin hanging off that funny dangly thing that hangs down in the middle of your throat (and doesn't really seem to have a purpose) an epiglotis I think it's called in my professional um medical opinion... anyhoo, it's making me feel like crap!
So here I lie surrounded by snotty tissues (honestly where does it come from) and pitifully raising my index finger weakly while I desperately try and reach for the bell to shake the hell out of it to bring Dalekins running to my aid! (I swear to God he keeps putting it further and further from my reach). Mostly he just glares pffft. But... but... I'm weak and pathetic and could DIEEEEEEEEEE!
'You're not going to die Tash, you just have a cold... it's not even the flu!' (maybe he's tired of my bell who knows but he can be reallllllllllllll grumpy sometimes!)
Ting-a-ling-a-lingggggggggggggggggggggggg! Dallllllllllllllllllllllllllle can I have some teaaaaaaaaaaaaa *sniffs for effect*
*sniffs* Dale if I die from the swine flu! Make sure you never replace me... or I'll haunt your penis. Tell my mother I loved her... and don't forget to water my flowers *hack hack*
...as I run to the bathroom to stem the flow from my nose (all my tissues are used and wet and cold and gross) I could swear I hear him mumble something about a dramaqueen and atleast he would finally get some peace...