
Well hello there...

Welcome to my blog. Brb... I'm making memories (read as: Wine. I'm going to get some wine...)

This weeks Pet Peeve

That funny little metal thing that goes in the hole on the strap of your shoes: Yes it holds your shoes on your feet.... and keeps your belt up so no one sees your tighty whiteys but really isn't there a better way? It either jabs you, or cuts you to ribbons! I have bomskok whenever I see school shoes that use the strap thingy still... in Primary school some psycho ran past me and her funny metally thingy was sticking straight up in the air, so it sliced my ankle open... struse bob - she tried to kill me! I have a scar and everything! Through the years the scar has moved from my ankle to under my bum...but I digress!

And ofcourse there’s that... incident with my director. I was chatting away in his office with a colleague about a meeting and I put my foot up on his couch (as you do... when you're in your directors office) and when I moved my foot that bastardly little metal thing scraped against the fabric and made a noise like the loudest POEP you'd ever heard... I swear the air got sucked out of the room and em too bad it didn't take me with it! (For crying in a bucket why can't we live in a country with natural disasters and why couldn’t one vent it's rage that day! Like an earthquake that would swallow them whole and no one would be the wiser!!)

I would have sold my first born for no one to have heard that, but noooooooooooooooooooooooooooo both my director and colleague look at me and both burst out laughing, "Excuse youuuuuuuuuuuuuuu"... well.... the more I stammered and stuttered, the more they laughed. Jokes about cabbage and beans were bandied about... atleast I think they were, the blood was rushing around in my ears too loudly to hear them *mumble mumble*

Bastard things! Why do we even have those stupid things anymore... ever heard of velcrooooooooo...? *imagines noise of velcro ripping over fabric* Hmmm...

Flippers it is....

Ok so seen as I have jotted down a pet peeve.. I suppose I have to list something I like today, something I am grateful for (or atleast according to my mums emails I have to be grateful for stuff (and then send on aforementioned email) or I'll be shagged by a hundred billy goats while being forced to watch Dr Phil reruns on a black and white tv for the rest of my days... or something like that?)

So something I am grateful for today... hmmmm....

Today I am glad and absolutely LOVE the fact that a bald headed eagle (having found it's way to South Africa...?) didn't drop a tortoise on my pip in order to crack it open!

... don't you people watch CSI!!!

What pisses you off and makes you want to cheesegrate your own knee caps off? Let me know, I'll write about it... cause... I'm bored that way? :P

Peeve Shmeeve

Let me count the ways...