
Well hello there...

Welcome to my blog. Brb... I'm making memories (read as: Wine. I'm going to get some wine...)

Guitar Hero Manager

Ok so I have discovered my hidden talent... I could sooooooooo be a guitar rock star manager! I know this because I have sat here on the couch shouting instructions at Dale all weekend, and look where its gotten him!!  He's won 2 battles and managed to buy The Grim Reaper as a character!! Oh God shoot me, shoot me now...!  Natasha get a grip on yourself, you did not just sound like a gamers girlfriend *slams face on kitchen counter repeatedly* 

Ok ok so he did all the work, I just lay on the couch yelling at him to 'Focussssssssss Dale focussssssss'... 'Dallllllllllllllllllle you're missing all the yellow buttonssssssssss!!!' and my best was 'Dale, youre not going to bed until you have made enough money to buy that Grim Reaper....' this is the point where he checked how much money he had and realised that he would be playing guitar hero until the cows came home... ahahahaha (see my evil plan here ladies?) to buy aforementioned Grim Reaper... but after 2 hours and tears streaming down his face, him begging me to 'just let me... go... to.... beddddddddddd pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeease!!! and I swear his hand is permanently cramped into a claw now.. but he got it!!! ;) and now I can't remember why that was so cool... but Im so proud right now ;)

*goes and slams my head on the counter again*

Love... and all that jazz...

Long weekend...